Monday, August 3, 2009


Battery is on the charger. Today and tomorrow will work on getting updated photos to all new moms, dads, & families. Hotmail is still not compressing photos and allowing multiple uploads. Really slows down my output.

I am trying to get a photo of 13 kittens eating, but of course, one is always out of range. It is such a hoot when I call them with a bell. They know exactly what that means, and there is a stampede of kittens, each trying to get their heads in the dishes first. This twice daily treat is a combination of Kitten Milk Replacer Stage Two, wet chicken food, dry kibble and enough water to make it stewish. To even spoil them more, I heat the mixture up in the micro, and serve it to them warm. I'll keep trying to capture the sheer bedlam of those first few moments.

Start of a new week. Have a great one Everybody.